Saturday, August 27, 2011

Future Quilts

You may have noticed I've added a bunch of buttons to the side bar. I'm going to participate in a few more QAL's. As I mentioned before I like having the deadlines of a QAL and the direction of other inspirational quilters.

I'm really having trouble with the RKSCQ. I'm tempted to use the charm pack for the 100 Quilts for Kids QAL. Then again, it's an opportunity to buy new fabric. Hmmm. What to do? I am excited to learn some new quilting techniques.

Dead Simple Quilt: This is supposed to be based on a color palette. Design Seeds was recommended for browsing. There were MANY attractive palettes, so I tried to select ones in which the original photo had meaning for me. Here are my five favorites. I have no idea how I'm going to choose!


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